Randy Frisch transitioned from Co-Founder and CMO to Co-Founder and Chief Evangelist at Uberflip.
In this clip, he explains why trust is the key to success in the role. It's why he works toward relatability, humility, and honesty. It's why he stays focused on the problem his prospects and customers face, rather than the product Uberflip sells. And it's why he brings customer voices into most customer engagements.
Check out Episode 001 of Chief Evangelist with Randy Frisch ...
ChiefEvangelist.com: https://www.chiefevangelist.com/transitioning-to-chief-evangelist-with-randy-frisch-uberflip-episode-001-chief-evangelist-with-ethan-beute/
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/001-randy-frisch-uberflip-on-transitioning-from-cmo/id1652687400?i=1000584907228
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2mayWVIN1NpSfVVtWUu89L
YouTube: https://youtu.be/4VahGkCWUz0