Evangelism, Maturity, And The History Of Innovation with Ryan Collins - Ep 015 Highlight 8

Today’s guest is Ryan Collins, an SEO analyst, the Founder of AfterYourPhD, and the author of a dissertation on tech evangelism. Ryan joins Ethan Beute to share what he learned from interviewing dozens of evangelists and conducting deep research into the practice.

Ryan emphasizes the need for enough history and maturity with innovation and within a market to have credible and authoritative voices to evangelize in that space.

In this clip, Ryan speaks the history of innovation, the maturing of markets, and the value of evangelism.

Hear this full conversation with Ryan Collins on Ep 015 on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute!

YouTube: https://youtu.be/Xnr7CHOCa80

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/015-ryan-collins-phd-on-evangelism-in-the-tech-industry/id1652687400?i=1000602448750

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/167zWQPkB2AOp3YYW2vBOv

ChiefEvangelist.com: https://www.chiefevangelist.com/015-ryan-collins-phd-on-evangelism-in-the-tech-industry/